April 29, 2011

happy weekend!

sweet sarah 
has a few things that make her 
1. the Chicago skyline
2. a Sanders Bohlke concert
3. watching Gilmore Girls dvds on a night IN.
4. porch/patio sitting with friends
5. Michael Buble music
6. Huey's Cheese fries
7. the Baltic Amber Voluspa candle scent
8. traveling to see friends in different cities
9. MARGARITAS + chips and salsa
10.  going to the movies
where there is love, there is art.

could you use something happy?

{other than the royal wedding}
because i could.

so here are the things that make 
"hooray for summer!"
meet pete.
1. that very first sip of diet coke
2. a good patch of good grass
3. an early summer morning stroll with pete {that's her dog}
4. a fantastic farmer's market find
5. bicycle commuting
6. guava jelly (its my jam)
7. summer camp. for real.
8. dreaming up plans (following through not necessary)
9. newfound freedom
10.  and the infinite abyss of possibility.
where there is love, there is art.

April 28, 2011

i could. i can.

i could take up this space.

giving and asking 
the reasons why...
why i love alabama
why i love my city, the magic city
why this tragedy happened
why i feel so blessed today
i could tell you the story of how... 
how i felt watching a tornado hover over downtown
how it felt to be on the phone with my little brother in tuscaloosa as we fearfully waited
or i could give you the what...
what on earth just happened? 
what is to come for those who lost so much? 
what have i heard about so-and-so
and then there's the who...
who do i know that lost their cars and homes
who do i know that can't be found

but the only thing that i can make sense of today is this:
that there is something 
i can do.
i can't control the why, how, what, and who. 
but i can do something now.
i can help my neighbor.

food and clothing distribution
this Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
contact ansleyhayden@gmail.com for more information.


Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency

Boutwell Auditorium Shelter Center
donate bottled water, coffee, unopened diapers, prepackaged food
1930 Rev. Abraham Woods Jr. Blvd. 
Donate to an area Food Bank

Conserve Water 
{if you are a resident of Birmingham or Tuscaloosa}

Donation drop off sites
 located at all Sears across the state.

alabamian or not.
we are all in this together. 

{preach it} where there is love, there is art.

April 27, 2011

happy list. by: ruthie.

this is what makes 
so incredibly
thunder of louisville. taken by ruthie, herself.
1. music. today: the beatles.  
2. unexplainable joy
3. thinking about childhood in montgomery, barefoot and ditches. 
4. Truth
5. my friends
6. Birmingham
7. Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham's love story
8. gas station food, most specifically - coke.
9. freedom
10. ansleyhayden 
where there is love, there is art.
p.s.- keep 'em coming, folks!
happy lists to ansleyhayden@gmail.com

April 26, 2011

happy. happy. joy. joy.

it's about time. 
let me tell you what makes me
well, for one, this little chickadee.
1. thinking about summer 2011.
2. the fact that the moonlight is back in the magic city.
4. a cold strongbow on the porch {of my future}.
5. that awesome thing the sunlight does late in the afternoon right now where it shines straight through the tree limbs. dang, that's great!
6. french bulldogs.
7. getting home from a day of doing exactly what i know i'm here to do. teaching.
8. a good break-up song.
9. hiking horse pens 40.
10. hearing from the person you want to hear from.

calling all happy folks--
tell me what makes YOU 
email me: ansleyhayden@gmail.com
where there is love, there is art.

showin' off.

i feel a need to show off my best friend's little brother. he also happens to be a dude that i find super cool, too. i've spoken about him on here before. pretty cute, huh? now you see him on this video for his band, hot chelle rae. oh! so you've heard this song before, eh?... "tonight tonight"... i bet you have! because it's totally blowing up all over. i love that. so proud of him! and i heard from ian that they are about to start recording their second album and will begin touring {"like mad"} this summer. so {fan-girls} get excited...

where there is love, there is art. 

all things new.

‎"the way i deal with anything that's negative is to surrender. you have to let things go, have compassion, and recognize your blessings. as long as you're living your truth, you're going to be OK."

so that was my easter weekend
how was yours? easter is a pretty cool holiday, huh?

i've posted the quote above {that i found in this month's InStyle magazine}, spoken by my one-and-only kate hudson, most everywhere. i love it. and i pray i live it. as for the photos-- taken easter sunday at my parent's home. the first photo is of my beautiful baby brother {and if you think "beautiful" is a feminine word... then you need to chill}. the second is of my stunning mother. i'm very proud of my family. it's true. 
where there is love, there is art.

April 21, 2011

hey bham.

come to parkside
at 9 p.m.
and perhaps a pretty lady named, katiegirl, will sing along with her hubby too.
so much goodness.
where there is love, there is art. 

April 20, 2011

date night.

this lovely chickadee that i know, celeste, just released this new little diddy and video. isn't it magical? check out the new free download too. the full length will be released july 12th. tell all of your homies!
where there is love, there is art.

April 17, 2011

oh my, my.

i'm really proud of these folks from the great book of john, particularly the prettiest member (ms. bekah fox).

i literally watched this video and started tearing up. powerful stuff, y'all. check them out. they've got lots of good stuff going on right now {and always}, including a great vinyl {and digital} record "communicating vessels."  and if you just can't get enough you can hear them on the local oh brother radio show from this past week.
i have a feeling this is only the beginning. you will be seeing much, much more from these talented folks. serious TGBOJ explosion is 'bout to happen. i can feel it...
where there is love, there is art. 

April 16, 2011


i don't typical give "personal updates" via the blog. it feels a bit narcissistic? but since i've been quite absent lately {teacher duty is not conducive to blogging} an update might be appropriate.

1.) two of my most dear friends from growing up got engaged. how rare it is to have TWO friends get engaged to one another, ya know? it's usually that i'm friends with the bride... but this time it's double love! here's to the future fisher's! cheers!
2.) i turned 24. the family pre-gamed the birthday with dinner at cocina.
3.) my angel, alison krauss, released a new album.

4.) the dearest folks in the world celebrated the twenty-fourth year at my rojo.

i'm feeling pretty good about twenty-four. pure magic. what'd you say?
where there is love, there is art. 

April 9, 2011

march was a wild month.

so... mid-way through april let me tell you... the march giveaway winner is... 
ashley loveless!
i am so very sorry. 
but, ashley, you should receive an email from sprig ASAP.

ashley said...

Precious!!! ashleylynneloveless@gmail.com

where there is love, there is art.

why didn't i think of this sooner?

i know, i know, i know...
i could give you 328497329847 excuses for why i have been the lamest blogger ever lately. the type of blogger that annoys me to know end. but... i hate excuses.
i'm sorry.

the good news: i've got something fun for you.

the original intent of this blog was to display LOVE as art {or to display ART as love? tomato, tomato?}. so what better way to do so than to show video of my favorite and most creative love birds. singer/songwritin' love.
in no particular order, here's my lovin' inspiration {this should keep you "busy" at work/school for a while...}:

1. my dream of a man, johnny cash... and his dream, june carter cash.

2. so it doesn't always last... james taylor and carly simon.

3. a real rocknroll love- bruce springsteen & patti scialfa

4. yoko and john. duh.

5. you know they're still in love. stevie and lindsey.

love, y'all.
where there is love, there is art. 

April 1, 2011