January 12, 2011

katie model pretty angel girl.

this is what i need you to do:
i need you to go here.
but then i need you to back track a bitty and "like" heidi elnora's fan page. 
after you do that then you go to this picture of my friend model girl, katie ford (kelly)
then when you look into her lovely eyes you LIKE that picture.
deal? deal. 
also, i don't mean to be demanding, but i need you to do this by friday @ noon.
so really just go ahead and do it. now.
after all is said and done she will be a model for heidi elnora. 
and she will take pretty pictures and walk runways.
it will be magical and i will brag on her some more.
the end. 
{and thank you}.
update: she did it, y'all. she got the most votes, and has a meet and greet with heidi elnora tomorrow! keep your fingers crossed! and thanks for voting for katiegirl!
where there is love, there is art. 

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